Why I’m Giving Books Away


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The Sgt. Windflower Reading Equality Program

I have now published seven books in the Sgt. Windflower Mystery Series and each time I have chosen to give away a number of copies, absolutely free. Not only that, but I actively seek out strangers or near strangers on social media to give them away to. Now, I am not giving away all copies of my books. I am neither rich nor daft and I am not particularly altruistic, but I do believe in helping people to read my book.

And quite honestly not everyone can afford to buy a book, especially new books. Tons of people are living on a tight budget, on social assistance or on a fixed income because of disability or not being able to work anymore. It’s hard to comprehend in this world of plenty, but twenty bucks is a lot of money if you haven’t got it and one of the ‘luxuries’ that many people give up is purchasing new books. They wait until they are available from the library or get them lent from friends or from the second-hand bookstore. I support libraries, but why do some people have to wait?

I realize that I can’t give anybody a raise in their monthly stipend to help them with their book budget, but I can help at least a few of them enjoy my new books, fresh out of the printer’s box. I believe in an idea called Reading Equality, a radically new concept that everyone should have access to quality, new release books. That’s why I am making 25 copies of Darkest Before the Dawn available to people on a low or fixed income. I am advertising this offer on Facebook and Twitter and as the time of writing there are still a few copies left.

If you want one or know of someone who could use one but can’t afford it, just message me with the mailing address and I will send a copy in the mail. And yes, I will even sign them. No questions asked. You can send me a message thru Sgt. Windflower Mysteries or Facebook. The links are at the bottom of this post.

Of course, if you have the money, I hope you will consider buying a copy for yourself. Maybe even one for somebody you know doesn’t have the cash. Pay it forward. It works for me.

And if you want to help get this book into even more hands, ask your local library to order a copy. They’re looking for your suggestions. And if they don’t have the budget, tell them to contact me and we’ll make them an offer they can’t refuse.

Here’s where you can get Darkest Before the Dawn

Darkest Before the Dawn is available in many bookstores across Canada including Chapters/Indigo and many independent stores.


















9 thoughts on “Why I’m Giving Books Away”

  1. I am on social security but I barely get enough to pay for food and rent. I love to read. I hope you have one for me. Thank you for your generosity.


  2. I would love to read this book. I am disabled and live with chronic pain daily. I read your last book and loved it!!


      1. Omgosh thank you this brought tears to my eyes, I loved the book of yours that I read before. Thank you for blessing me with this you made my whole week!!


  3. would love to read your book originally from nb, born and grew up there. unfortunately I do fit the requirements, disabled with a low income. address Box 221 Emerson Manitob, R0A0L0. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.


  4. This book would be greatly appreciated and treasured. The series sounds intriguing and love the setting which is unforgettable. I would enjoy receiving this book. I have been ill for 6 years with serious medical problems and this book would lift my spirits.


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